Dar Tala al-Zahra

Welcome to Dar ( "House of" ) Tala! This website is a repository for Tala al-Zahra's studies with the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). It is meant as a fun way to learn and share information. Please contact Tala with any questions or requests.

Modernly, Tala lived and worked in a Moroccan, desert oasis from 2008-2010. Accordingly, when she joined the SCA in 2011, she began developing a North African Amazigh (aka, "Berber") persona. 

Tala studies a variety of subjects; mostly on medieval North Africa, but with brief jaunts to other areas of the world as curiosity dictates. She gravitates toward linguistics, onomastics, philosophy, natural sciences, epigraphy, and archery.

Tala is currently the Deputy President of the Atlantian Madrasa Guild. She is also the Founder and Coordinator the The African Track and the Maghribi Track at Pennsic University. 

Learn more about Tala al-Zahra's SCA persona here.

This is a space for Tala to post mini-projects, works-in-progress, errant thoughts, news, updates, and more.

Explore some of Tala's A&S projects and presentations -- these are all completed works and displays.

Discover resources that Tala has used and/or created, and use them to augment and improve your own SCA persona and studies!